Child Custody
Child custody and child visitation disputes can be heart-wrenching. A child custody or child visitation dispute may happen in a divorce, modification, paternity matter, grandparent matter, adoption, or other suit affecting the parent-child relationship. In most cases, a child will primarily reside with one parent/conservator and maintain regular visitation with the other parent/conservator. Determining which parent/conservator the child will primarily reside with can be rather complicated, grueling, and stressful. At Smith Wilson & Dennis, PC, we are sensitive and empathic to families going through difficult family law matters. Our upmost concern is working with you to ensure that your child and rights are protected.
Experience Counts
With over 60 years of combined legal experience, the attorneys at Smith Wilson & Dennis, PC are here to assist you during what may be a stressful time in your life. At Smith Wilson & Dennis, PC, we understand child custody proceedings and provide counsel and advice. It is key to have experienced attorneys by your side to evaluate your case and determine the path in resolving your matter.
Conservatorship vs. Visitation
In Texas, parents have certain rights and duties regarding their children. A non-parent may acquire certain parental rights through a court order or by statute. A conservator may be a parent or non-parent who has the right to make certain decisions regarding the child such as where the child will reside, where the child will go to school, and other rights and duties. The best interest of the child is always the primary consideration for the court. The courts look at the past pattern and practices between each parent or non-parent, and the child to determine what is in the best interest of the child.
If a conservator is awarded visitation, that may occur in the form of a Standard Possession Order. Visitation under a Standard Possession Order includes at least two weekends a month, every Thursday during the school year, alternating holidays, and at least 30 days in the summer. The Standard Possession Order may be modified to increase or decrease visitation time depending upon the circumstances of the child and conservators.
Schedule Your Consultation
The attorneys at Smith Wilson & Dennis, PC will help you navigate through the complexities of your child custody or visitation matter to better understand your rights. Custody and visitation disputes can lead to extensive and expensive litigation. It is paramount that you find an attorney skilled in this arena.
Smith Wilson & Dennis, PC can explain your rights and work to serve you. Contact our firm to schedule a consultation. It is essential that you find the “right” attorney that matches your needs and desires.